Greetings dear friends of ARM!
We’re joyful to report that during the first week of 2024, our Sudanese Nazarene Church leaders came together for ministry evangelism training in Dallas Fort Worth January 5th and 6th training with Sudanese Pastors on how they can reach lost people. The training was hosted by Fountain of Grace African Church of the Nazarene, and we all want to say thank you.
I am so honored to have my Sudanese church leaders join together and share their experiences with each other in the ministry and to learn from one another.
I want to humbly thank Dr. Mark for the gift of knowledge he has shared with his co-pastors in our ministry training during this 2-day intensive.
In the training, we had different South Sudanese tribes represented from the church of the Nazarene throughout Texas. The unity among the South Sudanese in the Church of the Nazarene makes our church unique!! Together we will overcome the trouble and divisions in our communities in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My Sudanese brothers and sisters in our ministry, I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to help us. I am so grateful for your humble leadership and the dedication of each and every one of you to reach your surrounding communities with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (You know who you are!) May our Lord continue to bless you and guide you! May you have the strength to increase your ability to overcome those stumbling blocks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
As one unified body and Church, we are better together.
It’s my commitment to bring these dear spiritual leaders together for the betterment of the spiritual community and to build strong, long-lasting relationships. Tribal practices must discouraged by the pastors who are ministering to their congregants.
We love all of you, have been a blessing in this training, and by faith have grown closer together. Enjoy the photos below.
Your brother in Christ,
Rev. Michael Gatkek
Sudanese Nazarene International Ministry Coordinator US/Canada
African Nazarene Coordinator US/Canada
CEO/ Founder of African Relief Ministries
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